The LCC student ministry exists to help Junior and Senior High School students pursue God and His calling for their lives. Our desire is that each student have the opportunity to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
The student ministry accomplishes these goals by giving students opportunities to practice four core values: spend time with others, spend time with God, use their gifts, and share their story.
The student ministry accomplishes these goals by giving students opportunities to practice four core values: spend time with others, spend time with God, use their gifts, and share their story.

The Point is the LCC student ministry's youth group. The Point meets each Wednesday night during the school year and is open to 6th through 12th grade students. During this time students build relationships with other students and adult volunteers through fun, games, and small group discussions. Our goal is that each week students are challenged by biblical teaching and have to opportunity to engage the subject alongside of both peers and adults to better understand both the truth of scripture and God's plan for their lives.

Students are encouraged to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30a.m. for Sunday School classes. During each class students will have the opportunity to engage God's Word and their own beliefs on a deeper level through engaging teaching and discussion.

Through out the year students will have the opportunity to attend various trips and special events. These opportunities could range from a special, one night event at the church to longer camps and mission trips. Each time one of the events is available, it will be announced to students on Wednesday nights at the Point, Sunday mornings, and posted on social media.

We love to send kids to camp Nebowa! Click on a link below to visit Nebowa Christian Camp's website, Registration page, or apply for a camp scholarship through Logan Christian Church. We want you to experience God at camp!