Our Men's Ministry Team plans events and ministry opportunities directed to specifically help men in their journey with Jesus. Men are a crucial part of God's plan for the church and family which need other men to help one another live Gospel centered lives. Below you will see information about some things that are done annually just for men.

Come join other men from our communities to retreat and
rejoice in the good things God has given us.
There are plenty of manly things going on, including shooting stuff, riding stuff, driving stuff, and eating stuff, and of course, conversations about Jesus and how He is changing our lives type stuff.
rejoice in the good things God has given us.
There are plenty of manly things going on, including shooting stuff, riding stuff, driving stuff, and eating stuff, and of course, conversations about Jesus and how He is changing our lives type stuff.

Every year we gather the men our local communities and host a Golf Outing at the woodbine golf course. We play 4 man best ball with lots of pin prizes, score prizes, and team prizes.
Plus, your discounted green fees include a cart, a meal, and an opportunity to listen to this year's keynote speaker after supper and prizes.
Plus, your discounted green fees include a cart, a meal, and an opportunity to listen to this year's keynote speaker after supper and prizes.