Pastoral Counseling

Premarital Counseling Principles

1. Logan Christian Church (LCC) will consider couples who wish to take advantage of our pre-marital program on a case-by-case basis. Applicants should understand that couples seeking to be married under the auspices of LCC, by a LCC pastor, must first complete and be approved through the pre-marital process.

2. Preference in scheduling will be given to LCC members and their families. The program is intended to provide the first step in an ongoing context for the nurture of Christian marriages at LCC.

3. Listed below are some of the reasons that requests for weddings may be denied or delayed. If upon reviewing this list, you recognize your relationship to be represented here, please feel free to discuss the issue with us as soon as possible.

We May Not

1. Marry a couple if they currently maintain a sexual relationship and are unwilling to abstain for a period of time determined by a pastor; or if they have, in the immediate past, led a life-style which does not represent biblical purity.
2. Marry a couple if we believe the maturity level of either partner is not such that he or she can fully accept the responsibilities of marriage at that particular time.
3. Marry a couple if the marriage is radically opposed by family members, Christian peers or pastors. Each case will be reviewed for special circumstances.
4. Marry a couple if they have not allowed themselves time to build the pattern of a stable relationship.

We Will Not

1. Marry a believer and nonbeliever. 2 Cor. 6:14
2. Marry a couple when a previous divorce situation gives doubt as to the biblical correctness of the marriage.
3. Marry a couple if they do not satisfactorily complete the premarital counseling program requirements, or if counselors in the premarital program recommend against the marriage in the course of the counseling process.
4. Marry a couple if they are found to have represented themselves untruthfully regarding their relationship or premarital issues during the process.

* All Principles derived from the work of *

Let us be a part of your marriage story!